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Comfy Textures: Creative Texture Editor for Unreal Engine

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Unreal Engine development, efficiency is key. Imagine being able to tackle complex tasks like 3D model creation and rapid texture integration with just a few simple commands. Enter Comfy Textures, a groundbreaking plugin that seamlessly integrates AI technology to streamline processes in Unreal Engine development.

Comfy Textures is an Unreal Engine plugin designed for developers to quickly and easily create textures in their scenes. This plugin works seamlessly with the user-friendly ComfyUI interface, allowing users to generate, edit, and enhance textures for actors within their scenes.


1. Single and Multiple View Texture Projection

Comfy Textures offers options for single-view and multiple-view texture projections. This enables users to quickly generate textures from various perspectives in the scene.

2. Support for Perspective and Orthographic Cameras

The plugin is compatible with both perspective and orthographic cameras. Users can choose their preferred camera type to more effectively edit textures.

3. Interior Painting and Image-to-Image Editing

Comfy Textures comes with interior painting and image-to-image editing features. These allow users to further customize and detail the generated textures.

4. Remote ComfyUI Support

The plugin provides support for remote ComfyUI instances. This feature allows users to manage scene edits remotely with ease.

5. Unreal Engine 5.x and 4.x Compatibility

Comfy Textures supports Unreal Engine 5.x and should work with 4.x versions with minor code adjustments.


  1. Actor Selection: Select the actors you want to texture in the Outliner.
  2. Widget Settings: Adjust the settings you need in the Comfy Textures widget.
  3. Render Creation: Click the “Create Render” button to initiate the process.


  • UV Control: Ensure that your meshes have UVs (automatically generated UVs are recommended).
  • Automatic Material and Texture Creation: The plugin automatically generates a new material instance and texture for each selected actor.


  1. Create Mode:
    • Uses a quick SDXL LCM model to generate low-resolution textures for each actor.
  2. Refine Mode:
    • Uses a slower SDXL workflow to refine the low-resolution textures created in the Create mode.
  3. Editing Mode:
    • Allows users to edit textures using an interior painting workflow.
    • Two editing modes can be selected: “From Texture” and “From Object”.

This user-friendly plugin provides Unreal Engine developers with a powerful toolkit to rapidly prototype scenes and enhance them with high-quality textures. The flexible modes of the plugin can be customized to meet the user’s needs, accelerating the development process.

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